Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Damn the internet...

I truly hate the internet, and the way we can find people with the click of a mouse.
I found my ex...and pictures of him with is new gal. On Valentine's Day no less.
I was doing good, really good at forgetting .
Now it all comes back. It's only been a little over 3 months, but it still hurts.
This is the one who dumped me for a CHILD! In my eyes anyway, as she's only 24 and he's 36.
Ed and I had our issues, granted, but to do what he did to me...the stings.
I tried my damnedest to be what he wanted me to be, but I had kids, and I guess that was too much for him to take.
He can go camping and hiking with the CHILD with no reservations at all.
What gets me, is that I never once suspected he would do this...not after 3 YEARS together.
Damn.....I need to get over this in a bad way.
I see him all the time, even am polite enough to ask how the CHILD is.
And I've met her...played D&D with her, thought she was kinda sweet in a silly, immature way.
She has him now, and all I can do is hope the best for them.
I'll never go back to him, too much water under the bridge, but one day he will realize what he passed up.
One day, I'll be the one he calls when his world has crumbled and the CHILD has cheated on him like he cheated on me.
She was with Texas Jones when she hooked up with Ed. And everyone knows it. But if that's what he wants, he can have it.
My day will come, when I can say to him,"sorry, but you picked out your new pony you have fallen off and want me to kiss it? Not a chance.Best of luck to you."
Damn the I know her full name, birthday, and know where she is at times. She can have him...I don't want either in my life now.They deserve each other.

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